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Bree has 7 beautiful puppies on 7/29/24. She had 4 females and 3 males. The parents of this litter are Bree and Tucker. All of the puppies are fully furnished and will have loose wavy coats, low to non-shedding. These puppies are medium-sized multigen Goldendoodles expected to mature in the 35-45 pound range. They all have deep red coats and white markings on their chests and paws. I am so excited to watch them grow. We do have one opening on this litter. Puppy go home and selection day will be 9/28/24. Please read over our FAQ page to learn more about our go-home process. If you want to add one of Bree's puppies to your family, please fill out our application and I'd love to chat with you. 

Follow along on social media for litter updates- IG @vandenbarkdoodles

Dakota's puppies have arrived! She had 3 females and 2 males born on 8/24/24. She has one chocolate male, one apricot male, 1 sable female, and 2 apricot females. Puppy go home and selection day will be 10/19/24. Please read over our FAQ page to learn more about our go-home process. If you want to add one of Dakota's puppies to your family, please fill out our application and I'd love to chat with you. We have one opening on this litter!

*Individual Pictures coming soon! 

Follow along on social media for litter updates- IG @vandenbarkdoodles

Chocolate Goldendoodle

Mini Multigen Goldendoodles

Dakota & Parker.

Dakoka has been bred and her pregnancy has been confirmed! She is due August 27th with puppies going end of October 2024.

Puppies will be brown in solid, phantom and parti, red in solid and parti, sable in solid and parti

* Straight & wavy coats. All will be fully furnished and low to non shedding

Expected to mature to be 25-30lbs

* We are accepting applications from this litter

Goldendoodle Breeder Colorado
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