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Bernedoodle Puppies

Finley welcomed 5 perfect puppies on 8/4/24. She had 1 female and 3 males. The parents of this litter are Finley and Harold. These puppies are mini multigen Bernedoodles expected to mature in the 30-50 pound range. They are higher % Berense Mountain Dog, (approx 51%) and will be low shedding. They all will have loose wavy coats with facial furnishings. They all are beautifully marked and I'm excited to watch their personalities develop. We do have two openings on this litter, most likely for males. Puppy go home and selection day will be 10/5/24. Please read over our FAQ page to learn more about our go-home process. If you want to add one of Finley's puppies to your family, please fill out our application and I'd love to chat with you. 

Follow along on social media for litter updates- IG @vandenbarkdoodles

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